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Ambient and Dust Monitoring

Rayten Engineering Solutions > Ambient and Dust Monitoring

Dust fallout is a major problem arising from various mining, industrial, construction and even farming activities. Dust fallout can have an impact on health, infrastructure and agriculture. Dust fallout monitoring is a cost effective method to measure the amount of dust being deposited on the ground and provide information to determine effectiveness of control strategies. Dust fallout monitoring can take place over a short or long period. Long term monitoring will give a good indication of dust fallout patterns during different seasons and operational conditions and assist management to make informed decisions to reduce dust fallout.

Rayten Engineering Solutions has been accredited by the South African National Accreditation System (SANAS) for ISO / IEC 17025:2017 since 23 February 2020. 


Rayten provides Dust Fallout Monitoring according to (ASTM) D1739 and is SANAS accredited for dust fallout monitoring and gravimetric weighing (SANAS accreditation certificate attached in downloads section). Rayten will take care of your dust fallout monitoring network and provide comprehensive and accurate monthly reports that meet the requirements of air quality legislation.

Rayten can assist with ambient air quality monitoring of gases, TSP, PM10 and PM2.5. We will install, maintain and remotely download data from any analyser and provide monthly reports that meet the clients’ specific requirements.